
Dental bonding vs. veneers, which one to get?

Dr Sayeedi

A smile makes a huge difference in your personality. However, having clear, sparkling, and white teeth is necessary to smile brightly. While some people do not have the best-looking teeth, they can opt for many solutions. Dental bonding vs. veneers is a hot comparison today because many individuals are concerned about getting one of these procedures done on their teeth.

So, here we will be conducting our dental bonding vs. veneers comparison so that you can easily decide which of these options will bring better results for you.

What is Dental Bonding?

As it is durable and lasting, you may forget that you gave dental bonding for a better smile. It is a cosmetic dental procedure where a resin is bonded with the surface of natural teeth. This resin matches the teeth' color to bring a natural look.

Pros of dental bonding

The following are the pros and cons of dental bonding:

 Dental bonding vs. veneers, which one to get? 

  • To perform this procedure, there is no need for anesthesia in standard cases
  • It is an easy process to go through for the patient
  • Dental bonding is usually quicker than all other dental procedures
  • After getting dental bonding, you usually do not need any special dental care
  • It is long-lasting, and with good oral hygiene, it can last for up to 10 years.

Cons of dental bonding

With all of these goodies, there are some cons that you need to consider, which as well are:

  • Dental bonding is not that good when it comes to stains. So, you may need to be extra careful with your oral hygiene
  • Dental bonding may last for up to 10 years, but it is not as strong as other options like veneers
  • In most cases, dental bonding is only suitable for cosmetic reasons. It is not that good in terms of practicality
  • People who chew on pens or like to bite nails can easily chip the bonding material, which then breaks off
  • It is not advised to chew hard food items when you get dental bonding on your teeth.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are porcelain shells that go on each tooth's front. These are made with ceramic material of high grade that brings a natural look to your teeth and also makes all of the teeth look better.

Pros of dental veneers

 Dental Implant Treatment 

The following are some pros of getting dental veneers:

  • You do not have to worry about staining your teeth because they are stain-resistant, brighter, whiter, and glossier. These can stay stain resistant for around 5 years.
  • If your teeth show signs of staining or decay, then veneers can make a good choice. Broken and chipped teeth can also get invisible under fronts.
  • Veneers can last for up to 15 to 20 years when used carefully

Cons of dental veneers

Veneers come with some cons, which may be a dealbreaker for some. So, below are some of those cons:

  • These are permanent, and there is no going back
  • Installing veneers is longer, and it may take around 2-4 weeks to make them. The installation time is additional.
  • Sometimes veneers can cost hefty amounts.

Dental bonding vs. veneers, which one will be better for you?

Both of these procedures are for bringing you dental cosmetic benefits. With a lot of things overlapping between them, it can be difficult for you to decide. So, you can start with your budget and insurance options and then move to other requirements like discoloration, damaged teeth, receding gum lines, and such issues. This way, it will be much easier for you to decide between dental bonding and veneers.


While deciding between dental bonding and veneers can be challenging for many people, we hope it will be much easier now. In any case, it is your best option to consult with your dental professional for the best experience.

Contact your dentist in Union City, Dr. Zafar Sayeedi at Noble Dental Care to know about dental bonding and veneers.

This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.


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