
How to care for your Invisalign aligners?

Dr Sayeedi

If you have started your orthodontic journey with Invisalign, you must have gotten a series of clear, transparent aligners that perfectly give your teeth. You need to remember that Invisalign requires cleaning and aftercare. Even though Invisalign aligners need to be disposed of after a couple of weeks, they still need care and cleaning.  

Otherwise, you must put dirty and smelly Invisalign aligners on daily.  

The best practices to care for your Invisalign aligners. 

Below are the top practices:

Cleaning your Invisalign aligners

Always remember when it's about to clean Invisalign aligners, there is a clear difference between cleaning and rinsing. Rinsing can make the aligners look clearer, but it won't remove the invisible bacteria from them. Proper cleaning is necessary to free your aligners from bacteria and plaque buildup.  

Here are the steps to follow every time you are up to thorough cleaning of your Invisalign aligners: 

  • Rinse your Invisalign aligners with water.  
  • Take a soft-bristled brush to brush your aligners. Avoid using the brush you already use on your teeth to clean your Invisalign aligners.  
  • Brush the entire Invisalign aligner gently using it. You can also use a clear soap (liquid only) to remove any stuck-on food particles or debris from your Invisalign aligners. Brushing thoroughly will remove everything you have accumulated throughout the day in your Invisalign aligners.  
  • Rinse your Invisalign aligners properly using lukewarm water.  
  • Put Invisalign aligners in their case when you aren't using them.  

When it's about cleaning Invisalign aligners, people usually have other questions regarding the cleaning process. So, here we have also answered the most commonly asked questions regarding Invisalign for you: 

  • Accessories you need to clean Invisalign aligners  

Invisalign has also brought a solution named "Steraligner" with a tray. The key ingredients of this product are sodium bicarbonate (a natural antiseptic) and rubbing alcohol.  

To clean them properly, you can soak your Invisalign aligners into the tray for about 3 minutes. Then rinse this sterilizing product, and brush your Invisalign aligners to clean them.  

You can also buy another product named "Cleaning Crystal" from Invisalign. You can dissolve this in water to soak your aligners. The cleaning crystal features a cleaning agent, also sodium sulfate. These are the same ingredients used for retainer cleaning.

  • How often should I clean Invisalign aligners? 

It would be better to develop an Invisalign aligners cleaning habit on a 2x per daily. Ideally, you should clean your aligners while brushing and flossing. The practice will effectively help remove bacteria, food, and debris buildup.  

Besides that, you can also consider cleaning your Invisalign aligners when they feel visibly dirty. For example, if you have eaten something or accidentally drank with Invisalign aligners on. Then consider cleaning your aligners quickly when these appear dirty.  

  • Cleaners to avoid Invisalign aligners.

No, all the cleaners are made equally. So, you should avoid using cleaner blindly to clean your Invisalign aligners. Some of these cleaners contain harsh and damaging elements that aren't safe for your Invisalign aligners.  

Some of the best examples of cleaners that you should avoid using to clean your Invisalign aligners are: 

  • Toothpaste 
  • Scented soaps will eventually make your Invisalign aligners start tasting bitter.  
  • Mouthwashes, more particularly the ones containing alcohol.  
  • Denture cleaners.  
  • Also, avoid using cleaning soaps containing added dyes. For instance, soaps are available in red, blue, or green colors.  

These can cause your Invisalign aligners to stain very easily.

In addition, using a coarse bristle brush can also be too hard to use on Invisalign aligners. So, be careful.  

Rinse your Invisalign aligners every time you remove them.

Another best tip to care for your Invisalign aligners is rinsing them off whenever you remove them. This practice will help you remove plaque or lingering saliva from aligners before placing these in the case.  

Don't use your mouthwash on Invisalign aligners.  

Most mouthwash items contain artificial coloring and harsh ingredients. Therefore, using mouthwash on your Invisalign aligners can cause damage or discoloration. As Invisalign trays are clear plastic-made, they can easily pick up the color dyes in the mouthwash. Other chemicals in mouthwash can also possibly cloak their shape.  

So, the best practice here is to remove your Invisalign aligners before using mouthwash and rinse your mouth thoroughly before placing them back.  

Soak Invisalign aligners in water regularly.  

Soaking aligners in warm water daily can make them hygienic, odor-free, and stain-free. Drop cleaning crystals in warm water and drop your aligners into it. Let these stay there for about 15 minutes, and clean them with a brush when it's done.

Don't eat when you have Invisalign aligners on.

Eating with Invisalign aligners on is not only uncomfortable but unhealthy too. These clear aligners aren't designed to handle hard food pressure. Repeated chewing can also cause damage to your aligners.  

Therefore, you should always remove your aligners while eating or drinking anything to avoid any mishaps.   

Ensure to brush and floss when you remove Invisalign aligners.  

If food particles or debris are trapped in your gums or teeth, and you put your Invisalign aligners on, there is a high chance that these could also get stuck in your aligners. This condition can put your oral health and hygiene at risk. It is because food stuck in your aligners can promote bacteria buildup and cause issues such as gingivitis and cavities.  

Therefore, brushing and flossing every time you put on or off your Invisalign aligners is necessary.

Always store Invisalign aligners in their specific case.

Never leave your Invisalign aligners open when not in use. If you don't store your Invisalign aligners properly, you are putting them at risk of developing bacteria and getting damaged. Also, there is a higher possibility of losing your Invisalign aligners by leaving these out.  

So, whenever you remove your aligners for eating or something else, always put these into the aligner's case for ensured protection.  

Brush your aligners regularly.  

Like brushing your teeth, you should also develop a routine to brush your Invisalign aligners every morning and evening. Otherwise, these can also develop bacteria buildup and plaque over time. So, gently brush your Invisalign aligners at least 2x a day.  

Brush outside and inside the aligner to remove bacteria and debris that could affect your gums and teeth health.  

Avoid using heat to disinfect your Invisalign aligners.

Some people may find it right to use heat for disinfecting their Invisalign aligners. Arguably, extremely hot water can kill germs and bacteria, but hot water can cause damage to your Invisalign aligners too. In addition, the Invisalign aligners are made of plastic, so they will change shape when exposed to hot boiling water.  

So, never use hot water to disinfect your Invisalign aligners. Instead, you can use warm water to rinse your aligners on the go.  

Don't ignore rough edges or cracks on Invisalign aligners.

Rarely can your aligners also get cracks or rough edges. It may be caused due to eating with aligners on or taking aligners out repeatedly. In case of any rough edges or cracks on your aligners, consult your dentist about it.

Additionally, always remove your Invisalign aligners with care.  

Besides extensive aligner cleaning, it would be better to rinse your aligners every time you put these on. Failing to take care of your Invisalign aligners can make these appear discolored. You can even experience bad breath problems besides consistently exposing your teeth to bacterial buildup.

Contact your dentist in Union City, Dr. Zafar Sayeedi, at Noble Dental Care to know How to care for your Invisalign aligners.


Why should you get Invisible aligners for your teeth?

*This media/content or any other on this website does not prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. Therefore, we highly recommend that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.


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