
Sedation Dentistry

Oral sedation provides anxiety relief during dental procedures, offering an alternative to needle-based sedation, with considerations for short-term side effects and medical suitability.

Oral sedation, commonly called pill sedation, refers to using tranquilizing medication to help the patient calm and relax before or during the dental process.  It involves the injection of sedative medicines through the mouth to reduce the patient's anxiety during a dental procedure. The level of consciousness in oral sedation depends on the amount provided, which can be mild to moderate. Moderate oral sedation causes drowsiness to such an extent that patients fall asleep throughout the entire treatment. Before performing oral sedation, dentists check the patient's medical history and blood pressure to ensure the patient is not at risk. Dentists prescribe two doses of medication to patients, one before the night of the procedure, which helps the patient to sleep peacefully, and one about an hour before the procedure. After the process, patients using oral sedation are not supposed to drive a car or travel alone because of temporary drowsiness and memory loss. Patients are advised to rest until the sedative medication wears off. Those who use Oral sedation need 24 hours for a full recovery. Oral sedation eases anxiety and needle phobias and helps the patient to relax and be comfortable during dental procedures. Many people who fear the orthodontic procedure are also afraid of needles, which are required when IV sedation is done; however, in comparison, oral sedation is preferred by most patients as it bypasses the use of needles. Compared to other sedation options, oral sedatives are inexpensive for both the patient and the dentist. There are no specialized procedures, equipment, or injections, and the dentist does not need substantial advanced training. Oral sedation is typically safe; however, there are short-term risks like lingering drowsiness, dry mouth, mild headaches, nausea, and vomiting. People with heart problems, respiratory disease, impaired kidney function, allergy to benzodiazepines, or are pregnant are not good candidates for oral sedation. Oral sedation is for people who have:

  • Dental fear. 
  • People who have a phobia of going to the dentist.
  • A gag reflex that is too sensitive.
  • People who have an aversion to needles (aichmophobia).
  • People who have extreme sensitivity to the teeth.
  • It is also for those who experience claustrophobia while sitting in the dentist's chair. 
  • People who cannot control movements during dental procedures.

Nitrous oxide sedation

Nitrous oxide, widely known as "laughing gas," is a safe and efficient conscious sedation treatment that can help patients relax, ease dental anxiety, and make certain dental operations simple and stress-free. Nitrous oxide can be used alone or in combination with other sedatives.  Nitrous oxide sedation is used for both adults and children. Nitrous Oxide is administered with Oxygen, via a small mask or through a nose pin. Nitrous oxide is one of the safest sedatives in dentistry, and most patients handle it well. It is non-allergenic, has a quick onset, is reversible, and may be modified in various quantities. When breathing nitrous oxide/oxygen, the patient stays fully cognizant and retains all physiological responses. Nitrous oxide is commonly known as the "laughing gas" because it sometimes causes euphoria and giddiness. Nitrous Oxide also enhances the pain threshold, making time seem to pass more rapidly. The effects of Nitrous Oxide wear off fast, usually within minutes of the gas being turned off. After a brief monitoring period at the office, adult patients who choose Nitrous Oxide during their dental procedures are allowed to drive themselves home or even return to work. Children are also monitored briefly before being free to resume their normal routine. Benefits of nitrous oxide sedation include:

  • Nitrous oxide sedation is not harmful to the internal organs. It is extremely safe for the lungs, brain, heart, and liver.
  • It is perfect for children and disabled people as it is a needless process.
  • It works very fast.
  • The effects of sedation wear off very quickly.
  • Nitrous oxide sedation makes dental treatments less painful.
  • The administration method of nitrous sedation is relatively easy.

During the procedure, the dentist regulates the amount of sedation patients receive and modifies the dosages as needed. The dentist gives the patient pure oxygen for at least 5 minutes after the procedure to flush the nitrous oxide out of the system and to avoid headaches. This helps patients to become more aware and conscious. Nitrous oxide sedation is appropriate for people who:

  • Have a low pain threshold
  • Have needle fear or phobia
  • Those who have sensitive teeth
  • People with bad gag reflex
  • Require a large amount of dental work completed

Nitrous oxide sedation is usually safe when given by an experienced dentist. It helps the patient to stay calm and comfortable throughout dental operations by reducing anxiety and phobias; however, certain people, such as those who are obese or suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, should consult a doctor before undergoing sedation. This is because they are more likely to experience anesthesia-related problems. Some short-term risk includes:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Lingering drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache

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